Cute baby by: Fede Racchi

Voorjaarssymposium 2017

ESN Voorjaarssymposium te Leuven

20 en 21 april 2017

Het Voorjaarssymposium 2017 wordt georganiseerd door het UZ Leuven en vond plaats op 20 en 21 april in de Faculty Club te Leuven.

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THEME: ‘Energy metabolism’

THURSDAY April 20th 2017

From 9.30 on     Reception and registration

10.00-10.10        Welcome and introduction by the ESN President, Nanda Verhoeven-Duif

10.10-12.00  Morning session: Organelles and metabolism
                     Session chair: Jaak Jaeken (UZ Leuven)

10.10-10.40  Rita Horvath (Newcastle University): mitochondrial energy metabolism

10.40-11.10  Carla Hollak (AMC Amsterdam): LSD and energy metabolism         

11.10-11.30   Paul De Laat (Radboud Nijmegen): MELAS cohort study        

11.30-12.00  Tamas Kozicz (Radboud Nijmegen): Mitochondria and psychiatry    

12.00-14.00   LUNCH & MEETINGS (Biochemists EMZ, NVK section MZ, INVEST and MODAZ)

14.00-15.00   Afternoon session: MSUD etc.

                      Session chair: Mirjam Wamelink (VUmc Amsterdam)

14.00-14.30  Manuel Schiff (Robert Debré Hospital, Paris): energy metabolism in MSUD

14.30-15.00  Selected abstracts:

  • Nucleotide analysis of a gene panel involved in Lysosomal Storage Disease (LSD) in patients with a strong clinical suspicion. Alexander Gheldof (UZ Brussel)
  • Identification of a human D-lactate dehydrogenase. G.R. Monroe (UMC Utrecht)

15.00-15.30  COFFEE/TEA

15.30-16.30  INVEST session: IEM and pregnancy

                     Session chair: Martijn Brouwers (INVEST President)

15.30-15.55  Elaine Murphy (UCLH London): State of the Art

15.55-16.30: Short cases from the INVEST centers:

  • PGD for patients with IEM. Carla Hollak (AMC Amsterdam)
  • Pregnancy in a HiHa patient. Janneke Langendonk (Erasmus MC Rotterdam)
  • Long-term follow-up of children born to a HT1 mother. Sam Geuens (UZ Leuven)

16.30-17.30   Ledenvergadering ESN

17.30-19.00   Social Program

19.00-…        DINNER Begijnhof


FRIDAY April 21st 2017

9.00 -11.00   Morning session: Carbohydrate metabolism

                     Session chair: Ron Wevers (Radboud Nijmegen)

9.00-9.30      Eva Morava (UZ Leuven): galactose and CDG

9.30-10.00    Bart Ghesquière (KU Leuven, VIB): C13 fluxes

10.00-10.30  Martijn Brouwers (MUMC Maastricht): Hereditary fructose intolerance

10.30-11.00  Fanny Mochel (La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris): GLUT1 defect            

11.00-11.30   COFFEE/TEA

11.30-12.30   Selected Abstracts

                      Session chair: Peter Witters (UZ Leuven)

  • New developments and insights into defects of the pentose phosphate pathway. MMC Wamelink (VUmc Amsterdam)
  • Evaluation of C26:0-lysophosphatidylcholine and C26:0-carnitine as diagnostic markers for Zellweger spectrum disorders. Femke C.C. Klouwer (AMC Amsterdam)
  • Evaluation of dietary treatment and amino acid supplementation in patients with organic acidemias and urea cycle disorders. Information  from a world wide database (EIMD-registry).  Femke Molema (Erasmus MC Rotterdam)
  • Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Vascular Dysfunction in Inherited Homocystinuria and the impact of Taurine Treatment. Johan Van Hove (Colorado Childrens)

12.30-13.45        LUNCH

13.45-15.00  Afternoon session: Fatty acid and amino acid metabolism

                     Session chair: Ronald Wanders (AMC Amsterdam)

13.45-14.10  Steven Thiessen (KU Leuven): amino acids in ICU         

14.10-14.35  Gajja Salomons (VUmc Amsterdam): creatine metabolism

14.35-15.00  Sarah-Maria Fendt (KU Leuven): tumor metabolism


15.00-15.15  Award Ceremony for the ESN “Best Abstract”, by the Leuven Scientific Committee.


Download hier het programma.
NB Indienen abstracts mogelijk tot 20 maart 2017.

Download hier de uitnodiging en het inschrijfformulier.
NB Inschrijven mogelijk tot 1 april 2017.

Download hier het hotel reserveringsformulier.
NB U dient de reservering rechtstreeks naar het hotel te sturen, vóór 19 februari 2017.


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